RelativityOne Available in Our Suite of Technology

We take great pride in our ability to bring our partners the latest and greatest in eDiscovery technology. By adding RelativityOne to the Oasis suite of technology, we’ve complemented our stack with the newest from our friends at Relativity, bringing the grand total of applications we support to an impressive twenty!

As of November 1st, Oasis partners have the option of hosting data in either Relativity or RelativityOne with no need to commit to either long term. So, whether the project calls for classic workflows of Relativity on-prem or the modern look and feel of RelativityOne, we’ve got you covered. We still handle the upgrades, troubleshooting, licensing, training, and support.

Reaching twenty, our suite of tech has become a truly comprehensive collection of eDiscovery technology for the basics and beyond. 

Oasis eDiscovery Software Options

Is your team trying to decide what to do about Relativity and RelativityOne? Learn more about having access to both by contacting us at

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