Q4 2020 Headliners
We finally made it to the end of the year! From new features to new applications, here are the big things that happened in Q4 in case you missed them.
A Study to Help You Choose Language Translation Software
There are plenty of options in the market for language translation tools but depending on your project requirements, budget, and a variety of other factors, you need to know which is right for you. To help you make that decision, our STAT (software technology assessment team) analyzed seven tools available for eDiscovery machine language translation. Read the results of our study.
New Cloud Services Buying Guide
The G-Cloud 12 Framework, a buying guide for the UK public sector, is released fresh each year when cloud service providers meeting specific terms and conditions apply, hoping to be listed as an approved vendor. Oasis is listed in the latest G-Cloud Framework, which means we met specific buyer requirements, like offering transparent pricing for cloud hosting and reducing the cost of ownership. Read more about the G-Cloud 12 Framework listing.
Precision and Recall in CMML Models
A much anticipated and long-awaited feature is here. The Brainspace 6.3 upgrade brings precision and recall to CMML models, which provides statistical validation. Now, users have the ability to create adaptive control sets for supervised learning models and leverage workflow automode—a continuous document automation process. Overall, you can be more confident in the decisions you’re making during review.
Choose Relativity or RelativityOne
It’s true! We have added RelativityOne to our Suite of Technology. Now, you have the ability to choose RelativityOne or classic Relativity. Learn more about the addition.
Stay tuned in the new year for what makes Q1 Headliners.